
Pre-school to Nursery

Supporting children during transition can have far-reaching effects on their emotional well-being and academic success. At Sandford Hill, we are committed to  developing positive relationships between school and home so that children feel safe, secure and eager to attend school.

Please click on the link below for further information:

During the Summer Term prior to a child’s entry to Sandford Hill, the following procedures have been put into place to help our children settle into the day-to-day routines  as quickly as possible and minimise any anxieties that children (and their parents) may be feeling at this time.

  • Children are invited to visit their Nursery class for ‘Stay and Play” sessions accompanied by their parent/carer. This is where children begin to form a relationship with the Nursery practitioners
  • Parents/carers are invited to a meeting with the nursery teacher and the nursery practitioners to find out about school routines and to share on a 1-to-1 any important information about their child. In addition, a further meeting for the parents of any pupils who have a special educational need, with the school SENCo, will be arranged to ensure that school is able to fully meet the needs of the child
  • Staff from our Nursery make contact with pre-school settings. The amount of contact will depend on the child’s needs and how much information gathering is required in order to support the effective transition of each child

Parents are also asked to consider a home visit which take place during the first week in September, on a day and time of their choice.  This provides a further opportunity for parents to discuss any concerns in the privacy of their own home. As well as this, these visits have proven successful in helping to foster a positive relationship between the child and the practitioners.