Mr D. Wardle and Mrs S. Martin, Head Teachers Welcome
As Head Teachers of Sandford Hill Primary School, may we take this opportunity to warmly welcome you to our school website. Whether you are visiting as a prospective pupil, parent, governor, teacher or volunteer we hope to provide you with an insight into our friendly school.
We are situated close to the town of Longton, Stoke On Trent and conveniently close to a number of feeder high schools. Our school motto is “Thoughtfulness,Respect and Hard Work” and this can clearly be seen in the positive ways children behave towards each and through the warm relationships that exist between staff and pupils. Our pupils are courteous and well mannered and outside agencies, who support the curriculum, such as the Swimming Service and the Library Service consistently praise the behaviour of the classes they work with. Children engage in activities throughout the year, which allow them to demonstrate their helpfulness and kindness in the local community. Personal development and preparing pupils to be good citizens of the future is a high priority in school.
The teachers and support staff work hard to ensure that all children feel safe, secure and fully included in stimulating and engaging lessons. Attainment of pupils on leaving the school, at the end of Year 6, has consistently exceeded the national average. Staff have high expectations of pupils and so the children make good progress.
We place a strong emphasis on music and sport and the commitment of the staff enables us to offer an extensive range of extra curricular clubs, which take place before and after school. The school choir performs at several events, including the Douglas MacMillan Hospice, Light Up A Life Service at Stoke Minster and one of the Young Voices concerts in Birmingham. We also take part in the Stoke Schools Partenership Dance Festival at the Victoria Hall and Stoke’s Gotta Sing at the Mitchell Theatre. As well as these, the school competes in a range of sports: football, hockey, cross country, tag rugby, high fives, swimming, athletics, rounders and cricket. The achievements of the children who participate and represent the school are recognised at our end of year Sport Awards Assembly.
Every child at Sandford Hill is valued as a unique individual and we all strive to ensure that we provide the best for our children. We know that children achieve more when parents and school work together. The school operates an “open-door” policy and parents who wish to communicate with their child’s class teacher are able to do so at the beginning or at the end of the school day. We provide weekly newsletters, family learning opportunities, induction meetings and hold regular class assemblies, which help to create opportunities to work in partnership.
We hope that the information, which you will find, on the web site will be useful and may answer any questions you have. However, the best way to really get a feel for Sandford Hill is to come and visit – you are always welcome. Please do not hesitate to contact us to arrange an appointment and see our school in action.
We are always available each morning outside school, at the start of the school day and you can also contact us:
School Contact telephone numbers: 01782 235781 / 01782 235518
School e mail: