School Blog
Police officer visit
This week in Reception, we are learning about people in the community who help us. This includes police officers, firefighters, doctors, nurses, vets and lunchtime supervisors. This afternoon we had a special visit from police officer Claire Lindop. She spoke about...
Well done Narla!
We would like to say a big congratulations to Narla who received two medals and a trophy at troop at the weekend. She was very proud to share and rightly so! Well done Narla.
Well done Aurora.
Thank you Aurora for sharing your fantastic gymnastics achievements. Congratulations!
Friendship Cakes
Reception have been learning about what makes a good friend. We discussed how we need to be kind, helpful, thoughtful and respectful and the things we could do to show these qualities. We then made our own friendship cakes where each sprinkle represented a different...
Scarlett’s super swimming
Congratulations to Scarlett who received her Clownfish swimming award. We are so proud of you.
Well done Ezra
A big congratulations to Ezra for achieving a certificate in football this week for talking about a healthy diet!