Attendance at Sandford Hill Primary School

At Sandford Hill Primary School, we expect all our pupils to arrive and be collected punctually at the start and end of each day. We advocate strong attendance and punctuality each day. Regular attendance at school promotes pupils’ well-being, maximises progress in learning and helps pupils reach their potential.  

We will do all we can to secure maximum attendance for all of our pupils. 

How we encourage good attendance
  • Promote a positive welcoming atmosphere in which pupils feel safe, secure and valued; 
  • Our staff ‘Meet and Greet’ all pupils at the start of each day; 
  • Our registers are recorded accurately and punctually so that this information can be used to identify any trends or issues which may be addressed quickly; 
  • Our Attendance Champion, Mrs Smith  alongside our Inclusion Leader, Mrs Allen, and Miss Morton work closely to monitor attendance each week and resolve issues which may be a barrier to children attending school; 
  • Parents are informed if their child’s attendance is of a concern and are invited to meet with us to discuss further. We endeavour to build relationships with families so that we can understand any barriers and help to reduce or remove them; and 
  • Our Local Authority Educational Welfare Officer, Laura Trow visits school fortnightly to offer: 
  • Communication and advice  
  • Targeting Support Meetings  
  • Multi-disciplinary support for families  
  • Legal intervention  


Parents are encouraged to approach us with any concerns regarding attendance. 

Reporting Absence

Absence should be reported to the school office by 9:00am on the first morning of absence in any of the following ways: 

  • ParentMail app; 
  • Answer machine message; 
  • Or by visiting the school office. 

 Medical and dental appointments should be arranged outside of the school day if possible. If a child is absent from school because of a medical appointment, medical evidence must be provided to the office for this attendance to be authorised. 

 If a reason for absence is not provided to the School Office, we will phone parents/carers. Staff may make a visit to the home address where there is a concern for safety. 

Registration and Lateness


Doors open: 8:50 a.m.
Doors close and lessons begin: 9:05 a.m.
Arrive after registers – late mark recorded: 9:05 a.m. – 9:20 a.m.
Registers closed – unauthorised absence recorded for morning session: 9:20 a.m.

If your child is to be late for school, please phone the school office (01782 235511). Pupils must be signed in at the front office by an adult and a reason for lateness provided. 

Authorised and Unauthorised Attendance

We are only allowed to authorise certain categories of absence. We understand that sometimes exceptional and unavoidable circumstances arise that may warrant an authorised absence however each absence is considered on a case-by-case basis. We ask you to note the following, however, the school will not authorise any form of absence for children who have an absence level of below 90% unless in exceptional circumstances or where a child has been ill for a period of time. 

Absence during term time is strongly discouraged and parents should make every effort not to arrange family holidays during the school term.  Holidays will be considered an unauthorised absence except in the most exceptional circumstances and evidence of these circumstances will be required.  

Parents who do take pupils out of school during term time will be expected to complete a ‘Leave of Absence’ form (available from the school office via Parent Mail) at least four weeks in advance of the proposed absence. All leave of absence requests will be considered on an individual basis by the Headteacher. If the leave of absence has not been authorised parents will be notified of this.  

Unauthorised absences will be referred to the Local Authority and may lead to a fine being issued. Not requesting a ‘Leave of Absence’ form or providing false information in order to take a holiday, does not protect against a referral to the Local Authority. 


Good time keeping is a vital life skill which will help our children as they progress through their school life and out into the wider world. Children are expected to arrive punctually for the start of the school day. 

 If your child is late 10 minutes every day, then over the course of a year, they will miss out on 32.5 hours of learning time – which is the same as being absent for more than a full week of school.